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Video: #StillWePersist: Organizing Resistance On the Streets and On the Hill

On October 30, 2020, the Northeastern University program in Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies hosted the symposium "#Feminism: Gender & the 2020 Election." This was the second panel of the day, #StillWePersist: Organizing Resistance On the Streets and On the Hill." Panelists include: Tamar Carroll (Rochester Institute of Technology), Duchess Harris (Macalester College), and Amanda Renteria (Code for America). The panel was moderated by Professor Aziza Ahmed (Northeastern University School of Law).


What is unique about this historical political juncture, and what—crucially—must we bear in mind in order to rise to its challenges as feminists? For our final panel, we bring together three ideally suited speakers to guide us through this current moment with the benefit of deep historical understanding. The resistance has been led, indeed created, by women, especially women of color, who have organized and run for office at every level. How can we build on these achievements to ensure an inclusive and sustained feminist force, whether we win or lose elections in 2020? What have we learned about mobilization and resistance? What might we have neglected or forgotten? What should we appreciate about the relationship between local and national politics, between issue organizing and electoral action? What have been the best practices, and what have been the blind spots, of undertakings such as #metoo, #timesup, and the women’s marches? How can we support feminist candidates and marshal the feminist vote?


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