Harris Named '2022 Woman of Power' by YWCA

Duchess Harris was recently named the 2022 YWCA Woman of Power Award, which is presented to an individual who has shown an extraordinary commitment, enthusiasm and support in one or more of the following YWCA values:
Peace: promoting the use of peaceful means, not force, to bring about political or social change by helping bridge divisions, resolving conflicts and uniting communities toward the realization of an equitable and harmonious world.
Justice: is an advocate for advancing equity and fairness through our local, state and national legal system.
Freedom: contributed toward the fight for civil and human rights, and dismantling the political and economic barriers that prevent self-determination for all people.
Dignity: holds officials, institutions, business and government accountable for how they interact with women and people of all races within the Twin Cities; advancing the vision that all are worthy of honor and respect.
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