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Racism and the British Monarchy:
A Meghan Markle Reader

Co-Edited by Duchess Harris and Julie Schwietert Collazo

This Call for Papers is for an interdisciplinary reader on Meghan Markle. We invite contributions to a peer-reviewed open call featuring research on the politics of race, monarchy, and “royal” feminism. The editors are particularly interested in critical essays that explore how a Black American female in the British monarchy speaks to, or pushes back against, conventional power dynamics in Brexit-era Britain. Submissions may take interdisciplinary theoretical and/or methodological approaches. Interdisciplinary analyses are also encouraged.


We invite articles that engage, but are not limited to the following themes:


  • Doria Ragland and Meghan Markle’s Black motherhood

  • Colorism vs. anti-Blackness

  • “Royal” feminism

  • (Post) Colonialism and misogynoir

  • Black Britons and the Crown

  • White empire and the Windsors

  • The Podcast LISTEN!

  • The sisterhood between Meghan Markle and Serena Williams

  • The Commonwealth’s response to the Duchess of Sussex

  • The One Drop Rule:  Are Archie and Lillibet Black?


Submission Details


All proposals should be sent by January 15, 2023, to the attention of Duchess Harris: AND Julie Schwietert Collazo: Accepted papers will be due on/or before May 1, 2023.


Please attach your contribution as a Word document and use ‘Meghan Markle' for your subject line. Include the following in the body of your message: Your name and a short biography; a 200-word abstract; a list of five keywords/subject tags; preferred email address. If you are affiliated with an institution, please include the name. Unaffiliated scholars are welcome to submit proposals as well.


Scholarly contributions should be no more than 20 pages, inclusive of notes and citations. Citations should follow the Chicago Manual of Style’s in-text citation method (15th edition). Interviews and critical essays should be 3,000 words or fewer.


A submission will not be considered for publication if it is currently under consideration by another journal or if it has been published previously.

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